About Melinda |
Melinda started riding horses when she was a child. She worked long hours at an equine facility riding young horses and leading trail rides before she entered high school. She competed in multiple disciplines both English and Western classes in her early years. Around 14 years old she was introduced to Dressage and decided she wanted to "dance" with her horse. After a couple years studying and competing in dressage she missed the excitement of jumping, so she turned to Eventing a three-phase riding event that includes Dressage, Stadium Jumping and Cross Country Jumping. After college, she took a hiatus from competing and spent a great deal of time studying several natural horsemanship methodologies to enrich her training so that she could incorporate gentle methods and a solid base to starting horses. She loves to work with horses and people together so that a partnership can be created that is clear, calm, confident and effective. Melinda lives outside of Trinidad in a small community of Southeastern Colorado with her husband, her two children, a small herd of horses and a pack of friendly dogs. |